I wonder today
As here I stand...
A bit lonely, a lot scared
In an unknown land
My thoughts fly
They love to be here
I want to reach out to someone
But I don’t know to look where!
Even in the bright light
I sense the darkness within...
I smile all times
But there’s this feeling I miss something
My heart wants to trust again
But is scared to do so
I want the child within to go free
But cannot, why I don’t know!!!
I want to talk, but I fear the words that will come
I want to say so much...
But only through ink I can express some...
Sitting here wondering
I let out a sigh.....
I am surrounded by my friends, my family
Yet so alone I find myself, I don’t know why?...
Alone in this world is all I have, you are gone and I am glad. Now I can love myself again and dream about being someone.
Try mixing some optimism with pessimism... works well!
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