Thursday, 29 March 2012

What do i explain to my tears?
To my heart which holds the fears?
Will i see him again?...
Hold him in my arms
Tell me oh fate...
At what are you playing
Causing so much pain 
The mind is going insane
The longing for him grows 
In me along with certain thoughts
Tell me oh fate...
At what are you playing
The night has lost its sleep
The dreams are gone; the eyes 
Only nightmares keep
At a distance a hope flickers
And dies out
Tell me oh fate...
At what are you playing
I wish, to him, i could fly
For without him, I will surely die
I don't know what to think 
The pain is still there
Tell me oh fate...
At what are you playing
The time just keeps getting longer
How long have i to be a bit stronger?
This night has no day
For in its light there is no way
Tell me oh fate...
At what are you playing...
Words just flow
They come from where
I don't know
Heart heavy of emotions
Eyes trying to hold back tears
Mind full of commotion
Every breath weighing me down
Trying not to sigh
Smiling to hide a frown
Answers I am trying to find
Of questions never asked
But which still haunt the mind
Of courage, of trust, of love found
Of soulmates of future
Where together we are bound
A road of recovery
The road ignored before
Of true interests, hope and self-discovery
An adventure waiting to unfold
A future full of trials n triumphs
A story that will be told....