Friday, 23 April 2010

Invisible I am....

Invisible to the world
Invisible to all around
But me. for I can see myself
To what I was
To what I have become
A failure.... A success???...
Just another face in the crowd
A face amongst the thousands around me???...

Invisible to the world
Invisible to all around
But not to the person I see in the mirror
Day in day out, I see myself change
I am getting invisible day by day
In a world where I want to be someone
A face not lost in the crowd
A face welcomed with applause
But I continue to be invisible

Invisible to the world
Invisible to all around
But then again I think...
What will I do being visible?
Strive to be invisible again!!!
To get back the privacy of my life...
Or just bask in the glory of visibility
This is something that I often ask myself
And to the person I see in the mirror

Invisible to the world
Invisible to all around
Especially to those..
By whom I want to be seen
From what I was
What I really am...
To what I think...what I feel!!!
But then again
To them... Invisible I am

Invisible to the world
Invisible to all around
But does it really matter?...
Whether I am invisible or not!..
For I am visible to me
Even though just in the mirror
Thankful for I can atleast see myself...
In this world full of invisibility
From what I was...To what I have become...

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

The fathomless pain you feel,

When your heart breaks into a million pieces…

The blankness of your mind,

The endless stream of tears flowing uncontrollably…

Your indecisiveness and the dilemma of whom to follow,

In the argument between your head and your heart…

The hopelessness after realizing no matters what,

This still would‘ve happened nothing could stop it…

The helplessness of the situation,

Burdening you down …

The emptiness in your life,

The vacuum created in it…

Your aimless eyes staring,

Searching something to hold on to…

The expressionless face smiling,

Hiding the sadness of the situation you are in…